Friday, July 1, 2011

Humility... and humiliation

I have been bragging to Ryan all week about how well I am keeping up with the 7 & 8 year old boys I started babysitting for this week.  Bike ride?  Sure!  Game of tag?  I am victorious!  Swings?  Basketball?  Swimming?  All of the above.  Home for a run?  Sure, why not?  I am invincible.  I mean really, I can keep pace with 7 & 8 year olds. 
Well, not exactly.  Back spasms and getting picked up by their mom in her minivan from the Y because I couldn't move (though thank GOD she is the sweetest physical therapist in the world!  Lifesaver...) knocked me down a few pegs.  Not sure how this adventure-filled vacation that awaits me will fare with my back issues (though thankfully I convinced my doctor to prescribe me a few muscle relaxers to at least make it through the weekend), but it did teach me a valuable lesson.  In both the humility and humiliation this experience has brought, I realize I can't do everything (and that's okay).  And sometimes what is most important is saying no, or taking a break for a bit to re-group (sometimes we need the break physically, but often we also need a break mentally).  Hopefully I learned my lesson!

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